
Duchesses  Acrylic on Hardboard  6"x6"

One week until Christmas.  We are in a deep freeze here in northern Iowa.  Temperature is 45 degrees below zero if you figure in the wind chill.  Most of the United States is experiencing similar raw weather.  This makes it difficult for my dog, Rondo, to go outside to do his business.  But, necessity calls and he dutifully complies.

The painting above, Duchesses, was painted for a client in St. Paul.  I had done one of her dog a few weeks ago and she asked me to another one for a brother I believe for Christmas.  I feel real good having someone request an additional painting.  It is a Christmas present for the ego.  The 6 x 6 inch format is small and hard to use larger brushes.  It is easy to tighten up in this case.  I prefer the 8"x8" as a minimum personally but it is a challenge to go smaller.

Stay warm.

Bella-Lets Go

Bella  Acrylic on Board  8"x8"  
This dog was painted for my daughter who is giving it away for a Christmas gift.  I have seen this intent gaze in my own dog. The dog looks up at you for something....food, a treat, a sign that you might be taking a walk, any number of things. It is the look of anticipation.  It is the look of "Lets go".
Winter has definitely dropped her cold and frigid breath on the Midwest with temperatures dropping even lower this weekend.  My own dog, Rondo, is not happy with the snow and below 0 temperatures when he goes outside.  He does his business quickly, however and is happy to reenter the warm house.  I haven't taken him to the groomer recently and he is getting quite long fur.  In this weather it does him good.

Thomas-the Watcher

Thomas Acrylic on Masonite 12'X12'

This was a more complicated or should I say involved painting than the previous ones I have been working on.  I have two definite styles that are developing in my work.  One is the more detailed, defined painting like this one.  The other is a more playful, cartoonish look what emphasizes the black outlines akin to print blocks.  I chose to do a more serious painting of Thomas here.  He was a cat that lived in St. Paul, MN with my sister.  He was quite old and died recently of a medical problem.  But, I knew this kitty personally and he had a great life with great people.  He had the freedom to roam the neighborhood for many years and was a friend to many.  His fur was long and luxurious and reminded you of a lion.  But, this was a gentle animal and enjoyed being on your lap or not.  Here he was painted sitting in the backyard garden in early spring enjoying the sun and watching.....as cats tend to like to do.


Madison Acrylic on Board  8"x8"

I had an interesting challenge painting Madison.  Not only was he a black dog so definition can be difficult but the photo I obtained of him he was sitting on a plastic tarp with all sorts of light reflecting and bouncing off it. And the tarp was also a neutral color.  I tried to make the tarp more on the red/violet side of blue and Madison himself more on the blue/green side.So, there is a definite cool vs warm feel here.  A little different angle of the puppy looking up at the viewer.  Dogs are so expressive.

Two can be Better than One

The owners of this commissioned painting are hair stylist that work in Minneapolis. It was great fun painting the long fur and perky expressions on these two little guys. I can imagine much activity in this household. It always amazes me the diversity in the animal breeds. I watched  "Best of Show" last weekend on the dog breeders dogshow winners. I got to say, I love the movie also. 

Pen and Ink with a Little Watercolor

Nothing like the directness of a sketch done of the outdoors with the use of pen and ink.  It is challenging to get the variety of texture...

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