Wise Old Owl

Barn Owl  Acrylic on hardboard 
September is here and birds are getting ready to migrate.  Hummingbirds are drinking from the feeder like there is no tomorrow. They have a long flight ahead of them.  I also have gold finches, morning doves and cardinals eating hungrily at the feeder, keeping me busy replenishing them often.
I recently tried my hand at painting a Barn Owl.  I like owls in general.  I like the fact that the ancient Greeks associated owls with Athena, the goddess of wisdom.  They even incorporated the owl in their coins with Athena on one side and an owl on the other.  Hidden knowledge and superiority lies behind the stare of this "wise old owl."

1 comment:

  1. Owls are so beautiful and amazing. Love this one and Owl Surprise!


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